The game begins with Mason, Frank Woods, and Joseph Bowman attempting to assassinate Fidel Castro during the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba as a part of Operation 40. Mason apparently succeeds in the assassination, but their exfiltration goes awry, with Mason staying behind to protect the extraction plane. He is captured by the real Castro and the Cuban military. Having formed an alliance with the Soviet Union, Castro hands Mason over to General Nikita Dragovich. Mason is then held captive at Vorkuta Gulag for two years.
During his imprisonment, Mason befriends Viktor Reznov, a former Red Army soldier. Reznov recounts Mason the identities of those involved in Mason’s torture: Dragovich, Lev Kravchenko, and an ex-Nazi scientist who defected to the Soviet Union, Friedrich Steiner. All three share a connection to Reznov: in October 1945, Reznov, Dragovich, Kravchenko, and Dimitri Petrenko were a part of a unit sent to locate Steiner. During the operation, Reznov was betrayed by Dragovich, who uses Steiner's creation, a nerve agent known as "Project Nova" on Petrenko. Reznov is spared when British SAS commandos attack. During the confusion, he destroys Project Nova. It is salvaged by the Russians, becoming known as "Nova-6". Shortly afterward, Reznov is imprisoned in Vorkuta. Mason and Reznov spark a prisoner uprising to escape the gulag, but only Mason escapes.
One month later, President John F. Kennedy authorizes the assassination of Dragovich. In November 1963, Mason, Woods and Bowman are dispatched to Baikonur Cosmodrome in the Kazakh SSR to disrupt the Soviet space program, rescue Russian-born CIA agent Grigori Weaver, and eliminate members of the Soviet Ascension program. Dragovich eludes assassination, prompting Mason to search for him over the next five years.
By 1968, the SOG is deployed in Vietnam to investigate the Soviets' presence. After defending Khe Sanh, the SOG is deployed to Hue during the Tet Offensive to recover a dossier with information on Dragovich from a Russian defector. The team recovers the dossier, while Mason encounters Reznov, who is revealed to be the defector. During the Vietnam campaign, dialogue hints that Mason is mentally unstable, and that Reznov may not exist. The team penetrates Laos to recover a Nova-6 shipment from a downed Soviet plane. The mission goes awry and the team is captured. Mason and Reznov escape, Bowman having being executed and Woods having already died killing Kravchenko. Meanwhile, Hudson and Weaver interrogate Clarke, an engineer who stabilized Nova-6 in Kowloon. Clarke identifies Steiner as part of the conspiracy, and reveals the location of a hidden facility in Mount Yamantau before being killed. Hudson and Weaver head to Mount Yamantau to destroy the facility and apprehend Steiner. During the mission, Hudson receives a transmission from Steiner requesting to meet him at Rebirth Island in the Aral Sea to learn how to halt a numbers broadcast with instructions to release Nova-6 gas in American cities. Meanwhile, Mason and Reznov head to Rebirth Island to assassinate Steiner. Reznov executes Steiner, but Hudson witnesses Mason carrying out the deed.
At this point, Hudson and Weaver are revealed as Mason's interrogators. Hudson realizes that Dragovich brainwashed Mason to understand the numbers broadcasts, effectively becoming a Soviet sleeper agent. Out of options, Hudson deliberately sets Mason free in order to follow him. It is revealed that Reznov died during the Vorkuta break out, and Mason’s visions of Reznov are a result of a personality disorder, a byproduct of Reznov having sabotaged Mason’s brainwashing program. Mason was supposed to assassinate Kennedy, but Reznov reprogrammed him to track down and kill the three men responsible for his imprisonment. Mason deciphers the numbers, revealing the location of the Russian cargo ship Rusalka off the coast of Cuba.
By dawn, the team launches an assault on the Rusalka, with Mason and Hudson infiltrating an underwater broadcast station protected by the ship, a Soviet submarine station intended to be used as a staging point for US invasion after the planned Nova-6 attack. Confirming that the Rusalka is the numbers station, Hudson calls in the US Navy to destroy the ship and its underwater base. Mason and Hudson finally kill Dragovich in the lower levels of the station, and swim for the surface during the destruction of the targets. Weaver declares victory, but Mason is unsure. Later, a new numbers transmission is given, implying that a permanent broadcast station had already been installed some time before the Rusalka's destruction. The story then cuts to archive footage of President Kennedy prior to his assassination, with the broadcaster and Mason narrating random numbers. After a second play-through of the archive footage, Mason’s final words, as well as his presence in the crowd greeting Kennedy's motorcade, suggest that he assassinated Kennedy during his imprisonment.
《使命召唤7:黑色行动》(Call of Duty: Black Ops)
遊戲中玩家將扮演美軍的神秘部隊Military Assistance Command Vietnam – Studies and Observation Group (MACV-SOG)的成員,在深入敵陣的叢林地區進行各種高度機密的秘密任務。在冷戰時期,各國都不願肩負發動戰爭的罪名,所有軍事行動都要秘密地進 行,若行動失敗國家會否認任何的責任;玩家就是被派到越戰期間執行任務精英小隊,在這嚴苛的條件下,為國家、為生存而戰。除越南森林外,玩家更會活躍於充滿危機的地區,包括俄羅斯的雪山、古巴的軍事機地、北越的監獄等地,深入敵方陣地進行秘密任務,在完全沒有任何支援下,玩家只能「為求目的、不擇手段」。由於今集遊戲回到冷戰時期,遊戲中的武器亦將有所改動,除了M16、AUG、MP5、AK-47等現代常見的槍械外,更會收錄Thompson M1、M79磂彈發射器、M2火焰噴射器等歷代武器;而今集更會新增M72 Law火箭筒、RC-XD遙控車炸彈以及曾活躍於軍事用途的弩等。在歷來多集的遊戲中,玩家都曾在吉普車、AC-130轟炸機、橡皮艇及雪橇摩托車等戰鬥工具,但大多都是在規範的路線上使用,而今集遊戲便讓玩家使用SR-71黑鳥偵察機及Mi-24雌鹿直昇機,讓玩家能在空中轟炸敵方陣地。《Call of Duty》系列的多人模式一直以來都令人津津樂道,今集遊戲亦一樣,玩家在新設的多人模式中將會得到更多的多人遊戲體驗。除了基本的多人模式外 Survival、Team Survival、Headquarters、Capture the Flag等模式外,今集遊戲更可以提供另類的多人模式:Wager Match讓玩家選擇,玩家可以通過每場戰役取得COD Point,但既然稱為Wager Match,當然不會這麼簡單;玩家們在每場戰役中將要為自己下注,在每場完結後得到最高排名的玩家,就可以瓜分戰役的所有COD point獎金。玩家可以利用所得的COD Point去購買裝備、Perks及自訂的裝備。上集玩家們連殺敵人後,得到空中轟炸、使用直昇機、登上AC-130甚至使用核彈去了結敵人等獎勵,今集遊戲將有所改動,除了基本的開放使用雷達、轟炸等連殺獎勵外,更新增汽油彈、RC-XD遙控車炸彈及可自由駕駛的直昇機等等,讓玩家及其隊友得到更強大的火力支援。遊戲新增的自訂裝備系統,讓玩家可以自行設定自己的裝備,無論軍服、頭盔、配件及臉上的油彩等都可以自由改動,甚至軍徽上的圖案、色彩及花紋都可以自由配 搭,而且遊戲亦有大量不同的裝備選擇讓玩家使用COD Point去購買,玩家可以做用過百種;但最重要的,就是有某部份的槍械只可利用COD Point去購買,所以玩家在Wager Match所得的獎金,將直接影響玩家的表現。
既然有新的得分模式,當然有全新的多人戰鬥模式,遊戲新增4種的多人模式包括:Sticks and Stones、Gun Game、Sharp Shooter及One in the Chamber。在Sticks and Stones中,玩家們將只能使用弩及飛刀,去進行團隊比賽。
在Sharp Shooter中,玩家在每場比賽的開始時,遊戲將隨機抽取一種武器,使玩家只能使用同一種武器去戰鬥。
在Gun Game中,每位玩家都以手槍開始比賽,隨著殺敵數量增加,玩家們可使用的槍械亦同時增加。
而最後的One in the Chamber中,每位玩家的手上都只有一發的手槍,玩家要利用這一發子彈去殺敵,在成功殺死敵人後,玩家將會得到一發子彈作獎勵,但若射失,玩家便要使用匕首去戰鬥。
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